This project involved training various AI models to perform emotion classification on a dataset. The three models I chose were SVM, Random Forrest and CNN. I complete data transformation on the set to make it optimal for classification and use both HOG and LBP feature descriptors.
Data Visualisation: DnD Stats
Litvis & Elm
This was a data Visualisation project where I analysed all the different spellcasting classes in dungeons and dragons 5th edition and
compared what spells they had access to as well as if it lined up with their narrative descriptions.
Audio Effects with FMOD
This project was to implement some audio effects in a basic c++ 3d environment, the first was a delay line using a circular buffer. One with and without feedback. The second task was to implement the doppler effect using FMOD.
TCP peer to Peer messaging client
This project involved creating a java tcp client that could create and send messages to a given IP adress and port number, two instances could be used to send messages back and forth as well as a basic implementation of sending images as well. Basic storage of messages and security were included too.